Friday, January 3, 2014

Number Sense

Number sense is a student's overall understanding of numbers and their relationships.  It gives students the context they need to build an understanding of mathematics.  We are working hard at helping our students build a strong number sense foundation on which they can build their computational strategies.  
Students begin building number sense by learning that every number can be broken apart into other numbers -  this is known as part-whole thinking.  Understanding part-whole relationships gives students the confidence they need to work with numbers and build computational proficiency.  

One activity that you can do at home to help your child practice part-whole thinking is a game called Tic-Tac-Ten.  This is a partner game that requires a blank tic-­tac-­toe board and a die. Each person rolls the die to see what number comes up and then places that number strategically on the board. The goal is to get 10 in a vertical or diagonal row while blocking your opponent from getting 10.

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