Friday, November 15, 2013


Forty-one parents attended the Math in Focus Parent Information Night on Wednesday!

Some of the "tips for parents" that were shared included what you can expect to see in work that comes home:
  • Greater use of visuals and language
  • Students will eventually be asked to use the standard algorithms
  • Higher level questioning
  • Fewer nights of homework
  • Fewer problems, but more critical thinking
  • It is important to allow your child to do the work independently
  • Have your child teach you to give them the opportunity to solidify their learning by "teaching"
  • Let homework go back to school incomplete if the child is not understanding so that the teacher can reflect on that
    • Write a quick note to the teacher to let them know that the child tried, but was not finding success

Good questions to ask your child about their homework include:
  • What do you remember from class?
  • What do you think this means?
  • Can you show me how to work the problem?
  • Can you explain this problem to me?

Parental support and positive attitudes will go along way in helping your child succeed in math!!

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